
home is where the pup is

Saturday, April 25, 2015

in the most important news of my life right now. 
i wish it was july right now. 
i have been homesick for so long and i cant wait to see my fam, pet my pup, and live on the beach for a whole week. and eat in n out. 

the most annoying thing about moving to chicago is the dirty look people give me when they find out im from california. "why did you move here?!" they ask me. 
my most standard answer if i dont feel like talking to your dirty-look face is "i went to school in indiana". that usually satisfies them.

but the real answer is i was tired of living in the same town i was born in. tired of doing the same things. tired of seeing the same people. i wanted adventure. and adventure is what i got. i left school in san diego to continue my education in south bend, indiana, where im sure if you ask 10 people from southern california, MAYBE 1 of them can point it out on a map. i loved my time at smc and its a decision i will always be proud of and cherish. 

i decided to stay in the midwest because i love it here. the people are nicer, they dont care about what kind of car you drive or where you buy your clothes. and it didnt hurt that the boyfriend was going to be in chicago. 

i love chicago. i love the city life. i love being able to walk to the movies, restaurants, shops, bars. i love the spirit chicagoans have, especially about sports. the city is always always always hosting an event, especially in the summer time. so many festivals and farmers markets and free things to do. its a fun city to live in your twenties. 

but i have been incredibly homesick. i havent been home since christmas and my heart is just heavy. i cant explain it any better than that. i miss the sun. i miss the beach. i miss my pupper. i miss my mom and dad. i miss my friends. i miss the ease of just going to the beach on your day off. just laying there reading a book and listening to the ocean waves crashing onto the shore. watching the dolphins swim by. smelling bbq. getting tan. going home to your tiny family to go out to sushi together. watching a show on the couch together before going to bed.

those are the days i am seriously missing right now. the relaxing southern californian days. all while wearing a sundress and rainbows and sunglasses. 

 this is my walk to my favorite beach, victoria

 the best pup in the world

 orange county from a boat

 god i miss the sunsets

 just some beautiful water

the endless sky

you can take the girl out of the california, but you cant take the california out of the girl. 

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